Best Domain Hosting With Registrars for 2024

Getting a new website online requires a few different things. At the very least, you need a website design, a web host, and a domain name. The good news is that you can often get hosting and a domain name in the…

Video Email Marketing in 2024: How to Embed Video in Emails

Nowadays, video content has become an essential part of any marketing strategy. As audiences tend to willingly consume short clips and videos, it’s not surprising that 92% of marketers currently use video content to engage viewers and reach their target audience.…

What’s the state of email beyond 2024?

A look back at this year’s trends in email marketing and what to look forward to next year. t’s been a strange year for digital marketing. Between the switch to GA4 and the wider implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, marketers have had…

AI-powered cold email: A nightmare in the making?

AI can help draft cold emails, but it shouldn’t run the show. Learn the right way to blend automation and personalization when prospecting. A successful cold email program — or “prospecting,” if you prefer — takes careful handling. You’re reaching…